Skin-beautifying nuts

Hạt điều là một trong những loại hạt cung cấp nhiều vitamin E, góp phần làm đẹp da. Ảnh: Getty

Cashew nuts are one of the nuts that provide a lot of vitamin E, which contributes to beautiful skin. Photo: Getty© Getty

There are nuts that provide vitamins , nourishment, help moisturize the skin  and are good for health. 


Cashew nuts are delicious food, providing many vitamins, especially vitamin E. In 100g of roasted cashews, there are about 0.9 mg of vitamin E. This amount of vitamin E contributes to beautiful skin, prevents cardiovascular disease, improves muscle tone . joints and strengthen the immune system…


Pistachios  are a food rich in vitamins, including vitamin E, which nourishes and moisturizes the skin. ‏ ‏In 100g of pistachios contains 2.9 mg of vitamin E. Vitamin E in pistachios also helps promote blood circulation, reduce acne . Regular consumption of pistachios not only helps to have beautiful healthy skin but also promotes overall health.

Oil and sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin E, which helps nourish the skin from within. However, this nut is quite high in calories, if consumed in excess can lead to weight gain.‏

In addition, sunflower oil pressed from the seeds of the sunflower plant is also rich in vitamin E. This oil also provides omega 3 and omega 6, which contribute to lower blood cholesterol levels , promoting overall health.

Read the original post here .

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