What are the benefits of eating sweet potatoes?

Although it is a cheap food, sweet potatoes are very good for health. Here are the effects of regularly eating sweet potatoes.

Nutritional composition of sweet potato

The effects of sweet potatoes are highly dependent on its nutritional value. In 100g of sweet potato tubers, there is a significant amount of nutrients, minerals and many vitamins as follows:

  • Calcium: 38mg
  • Fiber: 3.3g
  • Energy: 90kcal
  • Fat: 0.15g
  • Folate (Vitamin B9): 6 μg
  • Iron: 0.69mg
  • Magnesium: 27mg
  • Manganese: 0.5mg
  • Niancin (Vitamin B3): 1.5mg
  • Phosphorus: 54mg
  • Potassium: 475mg
  • Protein: 2g
  • Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): 0.11mg
  • Sodium: 36mg
  • Zinc: 0.32mg
  • Starch: 7.05g
  • Sugar: 6.5g
  • Thiamine (Vitamin B1): 0.11mg
  • Vitamin A: 961 μg
  • Vitamin B6: 0.29mg
  • Vitamin C: 19.6mg
  • Vitamin E: 0.71mg

What are the benefits of eating sweet potatoes?

Helps strengthen the immune system

The Labor newspaper quoted Drpingel as saying, sweet potatoes are an excellent source of beta-carotene, in sweet potatoes there are antioxidants called carotenoids, which help your liver convert the beta-carotene consumed into vitamins. enhances health.

The right amount of beta-carotene is enough to create mucosal barriers that prevent bacteria and toxins in the environment from entering your body, help your body prevent and fight infections, keep you healthy and systematic more complete immunity.

Ăn khoai lang có tác dụng gì là băn khoăn của nhiều người.

What are the benefits of eating sweet potatoes? is a concern of many people.© Provided by VTC

What is the effect of sweet potato? Because of the high amount of beta carotene, sweet potatoes are an excellent source of vitamin A for the body. After eating sweet potatoes, beta carotene contained in potatoes will be converted into vitamin A by the liver, each beta carotene molecule produces two molecules of vitamin A.

Our body needs vitamin A to be able to fight various infections and increase its ability to fight infections later on.

Benefits of sweet potatoes to help control diabetes

Information on the website of Nguyen Tri Phuong Hospital said that the consumption of sweet potatoes helps to minimize the occurrence of insulin resistance. These root vegetables have a low glycemic index, which means they release sugar into the bloodstream very slowly, compared to other starchy foods. This steady release helps control one’s blood sugar levels. Therefore, the benefit of sweet potato is that it can help regulate blood sugar in diabetic patients.

In addition, this root contains magnesium and high fiber content which is important in the management and prevention of diabetes.

AIDS digestion

Sweet potatoes provide soluble fiber, which supports a healthy gut. A 2018 study revealed that purple sweet potatoes promote the growth and development of healthy gut bacteria.

Improve memory

Sweet potatoes contain anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants. Anthocyanins have been shown to aid in enhancing memory as well as enhancing concentration.

Not just for adults, a study shows that consuming foods rich in anthocyanins helps to enhance concentration and attention in children. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables, including sweet potatoes, can help reduce the risk of mental decline and dementia by 13%.

Help prevent cancer

An article in the Health & Life newspaper pointed out that sweet potatoes contain powerful antioxidants that help support cancer prevention.

In purple sweet potatoes contain a lot of anthocyanins, which help slow the growth of bladder, colon, stomach and breast cancer cells. Eating sweet potatoes helps reduce the risk of early colon cancer.

Orange sweet potatoes and potato skins contain substances that have been found to support the prevention of prostate and colorectal cancers…

Maintain weight management

Sweet potatoes contain few calories, so it is completely possible to use sweet potatoes in daily meals without worrying about gaining weight.

Sweet potatoes contain a good amount of fermentable and soluble fiber, which will help the body have a natural self-maintenance and weight-regulating mechanism. Fibers including pectin will help reduce food intake effectively and increase the activity of hormones in the body.

With the above information, you must have answered the question “What are the benefits of eating sweet potatoes?” then isn’t it?

Read the original post here .

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