The difference between people who drink filtered water and tea for a long time


Drinking tea, filtered water will make a difference to the body.  Graphics: Lower Clouds

Adults should drink 1.5-1.7l of water per day, some people who have a lot of physical activity and sweat a lot can increase the amount of water they drink reasonably. Here is the difference between people who drink plain water and tea for a long time.

Long time tea drinker

The international journal Nature has published a study conducted by Huashan Hospital (China). The researchers followed more than 370,000 subjects over a nine-year period. It has been found that drinking tea can reduce the risk of dementia by 16% compared to non-tea drinkers, and the optimal daily tea intake should be 3 cups (one cup is about 250 ml).

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition also published a study, after analyzing data on more than 500,000 adults. Researchers found that the average person drinking green tea every day can reduce the risk of diabetes by 8%. For patients who already have diabetes, drinking green tea can also reduce the risk of all-cause mortality.

Tea contains a variety of substances beneficial to health such as vitamin A, vitamin B group, polyphenols in tea, polysaccharides in tea and chlorophyll, etc. Drinking tea regularly can bring many health benefits.

People who drink a lot of filtered water

Water is the source of life, maintaining enough water can promote metabolism in the body, beneficial to skin health. Drinking filtered water can speed up blood circulation, which is beneficial to prevent blood clots.

Drinking enough filtered water can also moisten the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and reduce the risk of respiratory diseases. Drinking water can also prevent dry stools, which is important for people with constipation.

Read the original post here .

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